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Spring 2023 Clinical Opportunities Completed for eTHRIVE’s 3rd Cohort

The third cohort of the eTHRIVE grant completed their synchronous simulation experiences through the eTHRIVE grant through their NURS383 Population Health Course. Students were given three different opportunities to choose from this semester.

On February 2nd and 3rd, 20 RN-BSN students participated virtually and spent the day interacting with 2 live standardized patients in the community setting. Each scenario was followed by rich debriefing highlighting the importance of consideration of social determinants. Several students shared they had a very positive experience. One student shared, “I felt like I learned a great deal about things that I normally wouldn’t deal with as an ER nurse.”

Thank you to the UTK Simulation Team and Dr. Green-Laughlin for your support and involvement in this rich learning opportunity for the RN-BSN students!

In addition, on January 13th, 8 UTK RN-BSN students had the opportunity to participate in person at the Remote Area Medical Knoxville Clinic through the eTHRIVE grant. The students had the opportunity to demonstrate their public health nursing skills with community members in the Knoxville area. The students had the opportunity to work in triage and assess community members prior to receiving medical, dental, or vision services. The Knoxville RAM clinic served over 800 community members during the three-day clinic held at the Knox Co Fair Grounds.

“ I had the best experience at the RAM clinic and have not stopped talking about it to friends, family, and co-workers. Not only does RAM provide access to care. Their “one more patient” mantra is at the heart of every volunteer. I was not only impressed by the wide range of services RAM offered, but the incredible level of dignity and respect they showed to every person was truly special. I can’t wait to volunteer all three days next year. Thank you for providing this type of clinical experience.” 

– Spring 2023 eTHRIVE RAM Clinic Student Reflection

The third opportunity for RN-BSN students was to participate with RAM Telehealth through their site-based model at KARM. RAM Telehealth offers telehealth visits for KARM guests every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. A nurse is present with the guest while the provider participates from several states across the country. This model allows the nurse to provide hands-on care and assessment in conjunction with interdisciplinary communication and plan of care development with the provider. This was the first time this opportunity was offered to eTHRIVE students and was a great success. One student participated on two afternoons and worked with RAM and KARM volunteers to serve 8 patients. The student also was able to use some of the telehealth tools, such as a digital stethoscope that have been purchased for RAM through the eTHRIVE grant to enhance the quality of assessment and care.